- "Perfect," by Elaine Erickson
- "Regeneration," by Meg Bradley
- "Life on the Bluffs," by Evan Heil
- "Caught in Circles," by Emily Pape
- "untitled," by Bridget Fausnaught
- "The Rocks and the Birds," by Jenna Weber
- "Generational Trauma," by De'Shaun Madkins
- "The Union Nobody Likes," by Luke North
- "Linger," by Abby Funke
- "interstellar," by Bridget Fausnaught
- "The Halibut," by Charlotte Rodewald
- "Who Knew?" by Brenda Schilling
- "Neverland," by Natascha Myers
- "One of Many," by Ricky Mariñez
- "Take Me to Church," by Natascha Myers
- "Cold, Dreadful Haze," by Brenda Schilling
- "Photograph," by Angela Pasker
- "Surreal," by Emily Lemire
- "Broken," by Erin Daly
- "Perhaps God Isn't a Man in the Sky," by Evan Heil
- "Death!" by Brenda Schilling
- "L'arte d'arrangiarsi," by Natascha Myers
- "Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!" by Patrick Deeney
- "Bruises are just Derby Kisses," by Hannah Goldsmith
- "Mama," by Mariah Bergan
- "Walking the Streets of Glasgow," by Evan Heer