
  • “Catch Me on the Lively Side” by Bree Naylea

  • “Island Boy” by Marcos Hernandez

  • “Latin Boy” by Marcos Hernandez

  • “White Boy” by Marcos Hernandez

  • “Seven Chicken Legs” by Jes Wagner

  • “J Alfred Prufrock Scuttles Across the Floors of Silent Seas” by Jan E. Bristol

  • “Momento Mori” by Jan E. Bristol

  • “Driftless” by Jan E. Bristol

  • “Clotting” by Rob Luke

  • “Head Storm” by Ariane Campbell

  • “Under the Bed” by Ariane Campbell

  • “Equestrian Reigns” by Ariane Campbell

  • “Ablaze” by Holly Beauchamp

  • “Christmas Criterion” by Thom Chesney

  • “Watching” by Thom Chesney

  • “At a Meeting” by Gary Arms


  • “Nombre Hombre” by Colin Muenster

  • “String of Thought, the Burden of Being Careful” by Jes Wagner

  • “Miley Cyrus, a Fucking Feminist Woman” by Jackie Moss

  • “Collector” by Katherine Fischer

  • “Good Fences” by Katherine Fischer

  • “On Chaney Road” by Dan Hankner

  • “The Dreamer” by John Day